Friday, July 29, 2011

One Week and Counting!

Next Friday, August 5, Cheryl and I scoot off (pun intended) toward Sturgis, SD on our 2011 sojourn. This time, we're joined by nephews Jim and Tom who are making their first trip out, and we're all staying in a rented house in Deadwood, SD.

Like last trip, there will be a (near) daily posting on what happened that day and what to expect for tomorrow. Should be plenty to report on because the scenery out there is absolutely spectacular. And, of course, there's always the Sodom and Gomorah element to report on, not that we'd partake of that (or me let my nephews even SEE some of that stuff ; - )

This week is about getting ready to go, and getting my bike back from our very trusted mechanic, Bill Warcholl. He always makes sure Cheryl's Road King and my Ultra Classic are in top shape. I'm eagerly anticipating getting my bike back this week as Bill lowered it by 1 inch. Doesn't sound like a lot to nonbikers, but Bill assures me that it'll let me get my feet FLAT on the ground for the first time since I bought it. That little extra help should make a big difference on hot (sometimes slippery) pavement.

So tune in and live vicariously through us. See you soon from the road!